CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Co-Managed High-Schools

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Mar 25, 2024

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Co-Managed High-Schools

Call poster CMHS.png

About the Project:

We're excited to announce an initiative aimed at revolutionizing decision-making in high schools across the Western Balkans. This project seeks to pilot a co-management model that fosters greater democratization within high schools, enhancing student participation in decision-making processes. Inspired by the Council of Europe's co-management model, our project aims to bridge the gap between students, teachers, and school administrators, creating a more inclusive and participatory educational environment.

Scope of the Call:

This call invites applications from high schools in North Macedonia that are eager to adopt innovative approaches to democratize decision-making processes. The project will pilot the co-management model in 2 selected high schools, aiming for its eventual adoption and replication across the region.

Who Can Apply:

High schools (public and private) from all over the country. Schools committed to improving student participation in decision-making and eager to implement innovative governance models.

Application Process:

To participate in this transformative project, interested high schools are required to:

  • Submit an application form available of the following LINK.
  • Submit a Letter of Interest, highlighting your school's dedication to enhancing democratic participation and decision-making among students.

The deadline for applications is 15.04.2024

What are the activities for the selected high-schools:

  1. Nominate two students and 1 teacher to participate in a regional mobility in September 2024 in North Macedonia
  2. Organise a consultation process in the school for gathering input about the co management model (October 2024)
  3. Establish a co-management body (November 2024)
  4. Provide conditions for normal functioning of the co-management body (December 2024-April 2025)

Benefits for Participating Schools:

  • Enhanced communication skills, advocacy, teamwork, and democratic participation among students.
  • Improved and more frequent communication between students, teachers, and school administration.
  • Integration of the co-management model into the formal functioning of the school.
  • Increased interest and participation in high-school councils.
  • Long-term development of democratic attitudes and active citizenship among students.

This is a unique opportunity for forward-thinking schools to lead the way in democratic education reform. By participating, schools will not only enhance their own decision-making practices but also contribute to a regional movement towards more democratic and participatory education systems.

The project „Co-managed high schools“ is implemented by the Association LEAD (MKD) in partnership with Genesis project (BiH), Kosovar Youth Council (KS), Youth Network of Montenegro (MNE) and Connecting (SRB). The project is funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ program.

ЛЕАД е основана во 2016 година од страна граѓански активисти, претприемачи, едукатори, средношколци и студенти со цел да поттикне општеството во кое младите и возрасни соработуваа за општествена промена.


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